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Evidence-based medicine (EBM)

Articles in this section

Viagra’s hidden story (Evidence-based medicine (EBM))

Thursday 29 May 2014 by Marc Girard

This letter was published in the Br Med J (21 Feb., 2003) as a "rapid response" to a paper on disease mongering [2]. A copy of this response may be found below.

A first step in the trivialization of iatrogenic violence (Evidence-based medicine (EBM))

Thursday 4 November 2010 by Marc Girard

This paper was published on 03 Nov, 2010, by the British Medical Journal, as a rapid response to a News (27 Sept, 2010) on the influence of hormones on the incidence of breast cancer

When EBM fuels confusion: central demyelinating disorders after hepatitis B vaccines as a case-in-point (Evidence-based medicine (EBM))

Monday 21 June 2010 by Marc Girard

Although evidence-based medicine (EBM) has been introduced 15-20 years ago as a new paradigm in order to root medical practice more deeply into scientific rationality, poor understanding of its principles often leads to a regrettable mistake: in the quest for “the best available evidence”, emphasis should be on “available” and not on “the best”.

Having missed this crucial point, most health professionals stand now their grounds in a naïve, but damaging contempt for every data which does not complies with the so-called “gold-standard” of prospective randomised controlled trials (RCTs).


  • a number of RCTs are simply not reliable in the way they were performed – as exemplified by the well-recognized fact that those supported by interested parties usually have more favorable issues than those supported by independent bodies;
  • RCTs are not always feasible, as is quite clear with contraceptives (for ethical reasons), or with some safety issues (which would require unrealistic sample sizes);
  • those who have the regulatory or financial responsibility for performing RCTs, (or, at least: investigations complying with a minimum of standards) may be reluctant to do so, as they may have good reasons to be anxious about the results.

Prozac, 20 years on (Evidence-based medicine (EBM))

Saturday 22 August 2009 by Marc Girard

In 1989, Prozac, became available in French pharmacies. The "happy pill" was first seen as a sort of cultural phenomenon before being criticized. Twenty years after, has Prozac proved to be efficient or is it just another drug?

Quality of reporting

EBM and homoeopathy (Evidence-based medicine (EBM))

Wednesday 24 November 2004 by Marc Girard

This letter was published in the Br Med J (8 Sept, 2000) as a "rapid response" to a paper [4] on homoeopathy.

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