Actions civiles sur les vaccinations : revenir au droit ?

A chacun son métier... En situation de controverse technico-scientifique (quelles qu'en soient les causes), il n'est demandé aux juges ni de suivre aveuglément leurs "experts", ni de se substituer à eux : on attend des magistrats qu'ils fassent du droit - tout simplement... Document joint Vaccination contre l'hépatite B: revenir…

Hepatitis B universal vaccination: learning from the French experience

Hepatitis B vaccine This update has been written for the numerous prescribers and health professionals who are logically disturbed by a growing discrepancy between the recommendation they are receiving of protecting public heath by hepatitis B vaccination and an accumulation of alarming data on the hazards of this prophylaxis.Focused on…

Report criticizes French hepatitis B vaccination campaign

Hepatitis B vaccine ou A report ordered by Judge MO Bertella-Geffroy, currently presiding over a negligence case brought by the familes of people - some of them have died - who developed neurological problems after hepatitis B vaccination. Report Criticizes French Hepatitis VaccinationCampaign PARIS (Reuters Health) Nov 20…