Hepatitis B This paper was rejected by the Lancet in Jan, 2004 A recent paper from Spain showed that bibliographical references given by the pharmaceutical industry to support their promotional claims are often inaccurate...
Catégorie : Fausse expertise
Expert mongering
Conflicts of interest Pharmaceutical industry has not only the power of linking experts with money or various favours, it is also able of creating and promoting those whose work (or incompetence) is consistent with its interests. http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/eletters/329/7459/189#70360
Vaccination: misconceptions about misconception
Hepatitis B According to a BMJ editorial (21 Aug. 2004)Bedford H. Misconceptions about the new combination vaccine. BMJ 2004;329:411., doubts about vaccination programmes cannot be based on more than “misconceptions”. Let's try to demonstrate that in this field the distribution between “myth” and “reality” is not so univocal : this…